Wanting to join the 1st Wokingham Group?
If you want to join the 1st Wokingham Scout Group as a Beaver, Cub, Scout or as a Leader, then please fill out this form and someone will get in touch with you.
Welcome to the 1st Wokingham (St. Paul´s) Scout Group Web Site on this fine Thursday morning.
If you want to join the 1st Wokingham Scout Group as a Beaver, Cub, Scout or as a Leader, then please fill out this form and someone will get in touch with you.
Please note that the first meeting of the Autumn term for the various sections is as follows:
Beavers | Tuesday | 10th September |
Cubs | Wednesday | 11th September |
Scouts | Tuesday | 17th September |
Our group´s AGM will take place on Tuesday 10th September at 7pm at our Scout
Hut – timed to fit neatly between Beaver and Scout meetings and should last no
longer than 30mins. (During the meeting, our Beavers and Scouts will be able to
enjoy shared, supervised games on the field).
At our AGM, we will be able to discuss the health of our group and plan priorities
for the year ahead. We will also be looking to elect the officers for the coming year
and there are some key roles we are required to fill:
Chair: to chair exec meetings and work with all members to develop scouting within
the community.
Treasurer: David Hunter has kindly agreed to continue as our Treasurer.
Secretary: after being in role since 2017, Gwen Sewart will be stepping down as our
Secretary and we will be seeking to elect a new secretary.
We will also be looking for some additional help in the areas of fundraising,
maintenance and around the many responsibilities shouldered by our Quartermaster.
Any new help - whether large or small - will be much welcome and will help carry our
group forward, allowing us to deliver the best possible experience for our young people,
your children.
We do hope that as many of you as possible - our family representatives of our Beavers,
Cubs and Scouts - are able to attend.
If you would like to stand for one
of the executive posts (or would like further information) please do
get in contact with either CPhilip Wragg (Chair)
(via email [email protected]) or one of the section leaders.
We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Your support will be gratefully appreciated.
We are a charity which organises events throughout the year to raise money for our group to spend on repairs, equipment and such like. To see what events and activities are happening, where and when take a look at the events calendar.
Our next group event is our Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Tuesday 10th September. Please come along and support us. See above for details.
The group now has a Facebook page that has been set up as a closed group
so only members of the group will be able to access it. We will put
reminders of events and useful information on it but the bulk of
information will stay on the web site (www.firstwokingham.org.uk) .
If you would like to access the Facebook page then please email
[email protected] and we will arrange for an invite to be sent to you.